Our teachers and staff are VERY important to us!  During the year, we like to give them treats or gifts to thank them for all they do for our students and school.  Feel free to use this list for their birthday, holiday gift, Teacher Appreciation Week or any other time of the year.  

Ms. Rifkin – 1st/2nd Grade
Ms. Rosman – 1st/2nd Grade
Ms. Adams – 3rd Grade
Ms. Kleinhanz – 3rd Grade
Ms. Boram (Ms. Newton’s Sub) – 4th Grade
Mr. Stevens – 4th Grade
Ms. Bentley (Hall) – 5th Grade
Ms. Buchert – 5th Grade
Ms. Fries – 5th Grade
Mr. Drollinger – P.E. Teacher
Ms. Miller – Librarian
Ms. Munro – Art Teacher
Rina Geoghagan – Principal 
Beth Lee – Admin Secretary
Ryan Carr – Office/Attendance
Abraham Embaye – Custodian